In this post, I want to be clear, and exact. Consequently, to some, the words I will use in this post will seem harsh, intolerant, and unloving. There is no other way to communicate this truth, however. Besides, I do not seek to please man, I seek to please the God of Israel.
Whenever, the hatred in a Muslim’s heart erupts into an unspeakable act of terror against the public, the liberals in the news media spew forth a molten platitude, which is meant to cool the public’s anger towards Islam, and foster tolerance towards it. The toxic molten platitude, which spews out of the lips of the liberals, and gets into the hearts of the masses so it can crystalize into a destructive form of tolerance, is this: Islam is a religion of peace.
The liberals say that most of the Muslims in the world are peaceful, and that there are only a few Muslims that carry their faith to an extreme. The liberals call these Muslims, “Muslim extremists”.
When this molten platitude cools, and sets up in the hearts of the masses, the masses refuse to hold all the Muslims responsible for the actions of a few Muslim extremists (a few Muslim nut jobs). In there minds, the masses separate Muslims into two categories. One category of Muslims is acceptable, and therefore, the Muslims in this category must be tolerated as members of our free society. The other category of Muslims is unacceptable, and so the Muslims in this category must be identified and eliminated from our society.
This distinction is a logical fallacy, however. This distinction between acceptable Muslims, and unacceptable Muslims is simply a red herring, which is meant to draw our attention away from an important fact. Here is that fact: There are no acceptable Muslims.
How can I say such an intolerant, and unloving thing?
Well, Islam is not a real religion. Like many real religions, Islam has convoluted ideas about God, which do not line up with the Bible, and I could accept, and tolerate an Islam that ended right there. Islam, however, not only has convoluted ideas about God, but it has its own legal system, and code of conduct, which it wants everyone to obey.
Moreover, Islam uses force (terrorism), lies, and deception to bring about changes in a nation’s governmental system, until its laws, and codes of conducts are adopted by that nation’s populace.
The meaning of the word, “Islam”, is submission. The god of Islam, who is at war with Israel, and the God of Israel, will not be happy until the whole world is forced to submit to his laws, and code of conduct. I can not, and will not accept this, or tolerate it.
Islam seeks to get the whole world to submit to its god by playing terrorism, and peace off of each other. Muslim “extremists” terrorize a nation in order to get that nation to compromise “for the sake of peace.” The “peaceful” Muslims live their lives and provide cover for the “extremists”, and some lie, and deceive us to further their cause.
The Muslim faith is built upon an ideology that will eventually destroy the nations of the earth, and enslave their peoples. This is why there are no acceptable Muslims within a free society.
A tree is known by its fruit. What is the fruit Islam produces in a nation that is under its control? Total submission, control, violence, extreme punishment, intolerance, and a culture of fear, and death.
Make no mistake, there are no acceptable Muslims. We must end Muslim immigration into the U.S, if we want our children, and grandchildren to live in peace, and be free, because Islam is an ideology of world domination masquerading as a religion of peace.