The Primary Test

Recently, a young man contacted me through the internet, and asked me about my next book, and  wanted some pointers on how he could  beat drug addiction. I will be giving this young man some of my views on  drug addiction, and recovery in the next few blog posts.

First, I think it is important to establish a “global context” for the problem of drug addiction. A global context will allow us to see the big picture, and help us navigate through the maze of drug addiction.

When thinking of drug addiction what framework guides our thoughts? Do we see drug addiction as a disease? A biological phenomena? A neurological phenomena? What we believe drug addiction is, will influence how we attempt to overcome it.

Drug addiction, at its core, is a spiritual problem. And I do not use the word, “spiritual” as a concept tag, which points to principles that are beneficial for us, and our community. I use the word, “spiritual”as a tag that points to our ontology. In other words, for me, “spiritual” refers to our state of being, and the realm in which we have it.

The Scriptures point to the philosophy of substance dualism, and it is in this sense that I use the word, “spiritual”. There are two categories of “stuff” in the philosophy of substance dualism: Subjects and objects. We are a spirit (a subject), who lives in a body (an object).

The spiritual realm is the realm in which all subjects dwell. There are two camps in the spirit realm: Yahweh’s camp, and Satan’s camp. Without exception, every spirit dwells in one of these two camps.

The spirit realm is real. It is more real than the realm of objects, because the realm of objects (the physical universe) came out of the spirit realm, when Yahweh (the Subject) spoke it into being.

Thanks to Adam, we are all born in Satan’s camp. Our spirit man is a slave to Satan, and his demons. Thanks to Yeshua (Jesus), we can escape from Satan’s slave camp, and enter into Yahweh’s camp to live as kings and priests. This message is the essence of the gospel.

The spirit realm and the physical realm converge in order to fashion the human body, and the human soul. The spirit man lives in this body, and functions in the physical realm through this soul.

Yahweh puts every human spirit in a body, which is confined within the physical universe in order to test it, and refine it. Currently, we are all in Yahweh’s testing, and refinement arena. Yahweh is testing each one of us to see if we will choose to follow Him, and submit to His refinement process, or choose to remain in Satan’s camp.

Our primary spiritual problem is that we have not submitted to Yeshua, and allowed Him to remove us from Satan’s camp. Hence, we continue to do Satan’s will: We love the world, build up our pride, please our physical bodies, and feed our eyes what they crave.

If, when we hear the gospel of the Kingdom of Yahweh, we submit to Yahweh’s King (Yeshua), His Spirit comes to live in our earthly body with us. When Yeshua’s Spirit joins Himself with our human spirit, He removes us from Satan’s kingdom (camp), and places us in His Kingdom (camp). If we do this we have passed the primary test.

Yahweh gives us all the opportunity to submit to King Yeshua, and if we do not submit to Him, before we leave our physical body, and the arena of testing, we will remain in Satan’s camp forever. And, this is real bad, because Satan has made his camp in the depths of Hell!

Passing Yahweh’s primary test is the most important thing in life.

Passing Yahweh’s primary test is also the first step in recovering from drug addiction. When Yahweh removes us from Satan’s camp, He recreates our spirit, and gives it the desire to please Him. This intense desire to please Yahweh, and live according to His instructions is the hallmark of a Christian, and it is the force that keeps him or her striving towards the goal of His high calling.

When Yahweh removes us from Satan’s camp, some of us, leave drug addiction behind, and never return. These “lucky” people get delivered immediately. The rest of us “poor souls” have to submit to the painful refining process, and grow out of drug addiction.

Why does Yahweh deliver some from drug addiction immediately, and walks with others, and grows them out of drug addiction, over time? It’s because Yahweh has an eternal assignment for each of us, and He knows which refinement process will equip us to fulfill it.

In the posts that follow, we will examine the refinement process, and how we can cooperate with it in order to overcome drug addiction. The refinement process is the secondary test, and our eternal rewards depend on how we perform in this phase of our testing.

Don’t be ignorant of Satan’s devices; he uses deception to keep us in his camp, or keep us living in bondage even though we have escaped from his camp. A strong deception of our day is this: Satan offers a refinement process, which promises freedom from addiction. And Satan has clothed his program in God garb to make it look Godly.

Of course, I am talking about A.A., and N.A. These programs consist of a set of “spiritual principles”, which are beneficial to you and your community. If you live by these principles, you may indeed overcome drug addiction, but you will nevertheless, remain in Satan’s camp.

A.A. makes the same mistake that the religious people made in Yeshua’s day. In Yeshua’s day, the Jewish leaders placed Moses ahead of Abraham, and tried to know Yahweh through their works. Paul told these men that they had to submit to Yeshua to know Yahweh, and enter His Kingdom. The same is true for A.A. members.

A.A. without Yeshua is a ticket to Hell.

A.A. with Yeshua is just another form of bondage.

Don’t be deceived. Refining yourself with a set of spiritual principles will not bring you into Yahweh’s Kingdom so that you can know Him. There is only one way into Yahweh’s Kingdom, and only one way to know Him. This is the way: We must pass the primary test.

Hating Gays

There has been a lot of talk lately about Christians hating, and persecuting homosexuals. Well, let me say right off the bat, that I do not hate gays. Whatever another person does in the privacy of their own home is no business of mine, unless what they do directly impacts my life, or the lives of my children and grandchildren.

We live in a sin cursed world, where things are not perfect. Everyone sins in this imperfect world. Homosexuality is a sin.  Heterosexual sex outside of marriage is a sin. Heterosexual lust is a sin. Overeating is a sin. Hating is a sin. Gossiping is a sin. There are many ways to sin. Anything that is not done in faith is sin. You sin, I sin, everybody sins.

What is sin? Sin is disobeying God’s instructions.  What are the consequences of sin? Sin leads to death, and death manifests in many forms. Relationships die. Businesses die. Finances  die. Personal freedoms die. Health dies, and bad health can lead to physical death. And physical death can lead to eternal death.

Sin is a very bad thing, and it should be taken seriously.

People say that  judgement is coming to America. They say that God is going to judge, and punish America for embracing homosexual marriage. I don’t see it that way, however.

According to Romans 1, normalizing homosexuality is God’s judgment on a nation, who has turned away from Him, and His standards. Since, we have allowed a small minority to make laws that turn our kids away from God, and His standards, His Spirit has backed off, and let the wickedness, which is in the human heart vomit out on our society, which is why  wickedness is increasing.

We have thrown the gates open, so that our spiritual, and physical enemies can destroy our country. Just look at what is happening, it doesn’t make sense, we are self-destructing. And we think that we are actually doing something about it when we share a Facebook post, or write a blog post. Brothers, and sisters we have stood by and allowed a small group of people to turn our children away from God, and what we are seeing today is the fruit of our complacency.

Homosexuality is not the root of our problem, it is the fruit of it.

In Leviticus 18:22, and Romans 1:26-27, God says homosexuality is a sin.  The radical Homosexual movement says that there is no God, and the Bible is a book of fairytales. The moderate homosexual movement says that the Bible really doesn’t say that homosexuality is a sin, or that God made them homosexuals, or that Jesus is ok with them being a homosexual. and that they are Christians.

Most people acknowledge God, and ignore the fools, who deny Him, so the atheistic wing of the homosexual movement doesn’t have much of an impact on our society. What does have a big impact, however, is the moderate wing of the homosexual movement.

The moderate wing of the homosexual movement denies that God said that homosexuality is a sin, and that it is perfectly normal. And the worst thing is that they say that they are Christian homosexuals.

It is very clear. God did say that homosexuality is a sin. And there is no scientific evidence that God made anybody a homosexual. And to say that a Christian homosexual exists, is a contradiction in terms.

Christians sin. When a real Christian sins, the Spirit goes to war with his flesh, in order to get him to stop. (Galatians 5:17) A real Christian can not embrace sin, and live comfortably in it. And a real Christian will not teach kids that sin is normal, and ensnare them in it.

What a homosexual does in the privacy of his or her home is no business of mine, but, it becomes my business when they want to teach my kids, and grandkids that it is not sin, and Jesus is ok with it.

Jesus is not ok with sin, and unless we repent (turn away from sin), we will not enter into His Kingdom. The unrepentant homosexual will not enter God’s kingdom. (1 Cor 6:9-10) And if our kids, and grandkids accept homosexuality, and become one, neither will they.

I am not perfect, by any stretch of the imagination.  I am the chief of all sinners. The Holy Spirit wars with my flesh, in order to help me get it under control. It is a full time job for Him. I do not condemn anyone for their sins. I will standup and call my sin, sin. And I will standup and call your sin, sin. We must standup for the truth.

I don’t hate gays. What I hate is the normalization of sin.

I will not waver on my position.  And the choice is yours, you can say that I am standing on God’s truth, or that I am hating gays.