Becoming Saul

In the Apostolic Writings (the New Testament), we encounter a Jewish man named Saul. Saul lived in the Roman Empire, and so he also had a Roman name. Saul’s Roman name was Paul. Saul was not a unloving, dogmatic Jew, who became a loving, tolerant Paul, when he encounter Yeshua’s transforming love. No, Saul was Paul, and Paul was Saul. Nevertheless, I will use this false premise to make a point.

Saul was a Pharisee, who thought that he was blameless before Yahweh. Saul said he kept the law without fail. Saul actually thought that he earned his right standing with Yahweh. Saul despised Yeshua (Jesus), and hunted down His followers, in order to kill them. In short, Saul thought that he was “all that, and a bag of chips”.

Yahweh elected Israel and commanded her to reach out to the nations on His behalf. Israel, however, turned their relationship with Yahweh into a religion, and it slowly morphed into a false religion, which condemned the nations, and withdrew from them.

This religion had blinded Saul, and caused him to become a proud, intolerant, unloving, condemning, violent, murderer, who was completely convinced that he was right with Yahweh.

Then, Yeshua knocked Saul to the ground.

While blind, and laying in the dirt Saul realized that he was nothing, and that all his years of religious schooling left him knowing nothing. Saul was terrified, because he realized that he was not right with Yahweh, and that all his religious ceremonies and laws were useless.

Paul arose from the dirt confessing Yeshua as Lord. Then, Yeshua filled him with his Spirit, and took him into the desert to teach him, and humble him as they walked together.

The closer Paul got to Yeshua, the more he saw his own sinfulness. And as Paul grew spiritually, and Yeshua began to work through him, Yeshua allowed him to suffer persecution, beatings, whippings, stoning, hunger, cold, nakedness, lack, ship wreck, and jail. Yeshua let him suffer these things, so that he would remain humble.

Yeshua let Paul suffer, so that Saul would not come back to life.

What about you? Are you growing spiritually? Is Yeshua working through you? Is Yahweh prospering your life? If so, be very careful, because you might turn your relationship with Yeshua into a religion, and your religion might morph into a false religion that condemns the very people you are supposed to reach out to on His behalf. This religion might lead you think think more highly of yourself than you should, and one day you might find yourself blind and in the dirt.

The bad things you are going through, might be the very things that Yahweh is using to keep the old you dead, so that He can use you. So, ask yourself, am I becoming a humble servant or am I becoming Saul?




Religious Anger

The landscape of history is littered with the ashes, mutilated corpses and severed heads of infidels, and heretics. In most cases, the only “crime”  that these unfortunate men and women committed was not bowing to a particular religious establishment of their day, which sought to control their lives. Yes, history testifies to the fact that there have been a lot of angry religious people, who were Hell bent on forcing others to serve their favorite religious establishment.

Why would someone, who claims to walk with God, herd 100’s of men, women and children into a synagogue and, set it on fire, while singing hymns to the “Lord”in order to drown out their screams?

Why would a group of men, who claimed to walk with the Creator of the universe, ride into a town, and behead all the men, take all the “older” women as slaves, and take girls as young as 5 for “wives”?

There certainly is no shortage of religious anger in history.

Things have not changed much. In our day, angry religious people blow up buildings, kidnap girls, kill innocent teens, and molest boys.

And history marches on.

What is it with religious people? Where does this anger come from?

Religion says, “do this, and God will accept you”.  It also says, “do this, and God will bless you” Here is the problem, however. We all know instinctively that God’s standards are extremely high, and that we can never meet them, in order to earn His approval or blessings.

Knowing that God’s standards are extremely high, and that we can never meet them, in order to earn His approval and blessings, produces a dangerous undertow of anger in our hearts. This dangerous  stream of anger is capable of sucking us down, and destroying us. It is also capable of sucking down and destroying anyone else, who happens to be swimming too close to us.

In A.A. there is a saying about religion that goes like this, “try to get good, and you will get drunk“. There is a lot of truth in this saying.

See, if a person in A.A. gets involved in a religion other than A.A., and tries to get good, so that God will accept him and bless him with sobriety, in all likelihood, he or she will drink again. Why? Well, because they will get trapped in an undertow of anger, and the quickest way out of that undertow will be a drink or a drug.

There are a lot of angry people in churches on Sunday. These people have poison hidden underneath their tongues, and their bite is painful. They take themselves way too seriously, and think way too highly of themselves, while looking down on everyone else. These people don’t know how to have fun, and condemn everyone else  for enjoying their lives. These people are of no help to anyone. Why?

Well, these people are trapped in the undertow of anger. They are trying to be good enough so that God will accept them, and they are doing a lot of good things to get God to bless them. They don’t feel accepted, and have the blessing that they desire.  So they get angry.

The landscapes of A.A., and all the other churches are littered with the victims of religious anger. This should not be! No one needs to go somewhere and have someone tell them that they don’t measure up. We already know that we don’t measure up. No, we need some good news that will set us free, and keep us out of the stream of anger.

The Gospel is the good news!

When we hear the gospel, and bow our knee to Yeshua (Jesus), His Spirit comes to live in our body with us. Yeshua unites Himself with us. This is good news, because He measured up to Yahweh’s (God’s) standard (His law), and earned His approval, and blessings. And since He became one with us, and our life is hidden in His, we now meet Yahweh’s standard. Consequently, Yahweh approves of us, just the way that we are, and blesses us in spite of our behavior.

Did you feel an undertow pull on you when you read the last sentence? If so, you are in a dangerous place. Keep reading.

When we really and truely understand this simple truth, we will serve Yahweh with joy in our hearts. We will be free to swim in the waters of religion without worrying about the dangerous undertow that surrounds us. More importantly, we will be able to rescue others from the deadly undertow, and live a joyful life.

Think you have to perform like a circus animal in order for Yahweh to approve of you? Think you have to do “this or that “before Yahweh will bless you? Think everyone except you is living “in sin”? Think you will only stay sober, if you get good enough? Want to burn men, women and children because they don’t measure up? Want to cut someone’s head off, because they aren’t good enough for God?

If so, you need to embrace the real Gospel, because, my friend, you are most certianly trapped in the undertow of religious anger.








The Roller Coaster of Religion

I have spent most of my life on the roller coaster of religion. One day, I am up, the next day, I am down. One day, I am thrilled, the next day I am puking my guts out. I am tired of being on this roller coaster called religion! I want to get off of this ride, and never get back on it.

A lot of people steer clear of this ride in the amusement park of life, by putting God on the back-burner of their mind. They run to and fro, staying as busy as they can, and never slow down to think about God, and their relationship with Him. This is not an option for me.

When I was a kid, I went to church a lot. I got the idea that I had to be good, so that I would not go to Hell, and that I had to be good so that God would bless me. I did not understand God, and how He deals with men and women today. Hence, I was stuck on the roller coaster of religion.

One day, I would be good, so I was excited that I was not going to Hell. The next day, I would be bad, and puke my guts out emotionally, because I was once again on the highway to Hell. One day, I would be good, and think I deserved for God to bless me. The next day, I would be bad, and think that God was surely going to withhold His blessings from me. After 16 years on this emotional roller coaster, I put God on the back-burner.

After I put God on the back-burner, I ended up on the streets doing drugs.

I have been clean for 12 years. Today, I have to keep God at the forefront of my mind, and in control of my every thought and move so that I can keep growing spiritually, because I have seen what I am capable of when I put God on the back-burner. How do I do this without getting trapped on the roller coaster of religion?

I live in the covenant that I have with Yahweh through His Son Yeshua. Today, I understand that God deals with me according to His covenant, and not my behavior.

See, when God chose Abraham, He knew his weaknesses, before He cut covenant with him. This is why God put Abraham in a deep sleep, and walked through the blood alone. God knew that Abraham could not keep the covenant 100% of the time, so He did not make him walk through the blood. If Abraham would have walked through the blood with God, then when he failed, he would have broken the covenant, and he would have to forfeit his life!

The covenant that God cut with Abraham did not depend on Abraham’s faithfulness….it depended on one thing……God’s faithfulness. Likewise, the covenant that God cut with us at the cross does not depend on our faithfulness…… depends on His faithfulness.

This is real good news, because we are not faithful 100% of the time, but God is! This means that our salvation is secure, and the blessings are ours! This means that we do not have to be good to earn a ticket out of Hell, and we do not have to be good to deserve God’s blessings. This means that we never again have to get on the roller coaster of religion!

The Holy Spirit is in us, and so we strive to be faithful 100% of the time. Nevertheless, we all fall short of that goal everyday. That means you have a choice. You can rest in the fact that God will keep His covenant in spite of your weaknesses, or you can take another ride on the roller coaster of religion.